Welcome to 3CPG
The Cornell Center for Comparative and Population Genomics (3CPG) is an interdisciplinary center whose mission includes fostering research, education, and outreach in comparative and population genomics at Cornell University. The center currently has 40 affiliated faculty members from 13 departments and four colleges at Cornell. These faculty have interests spanning the basic and applied sciences and applications in agriculture, medicine, and environmental science, but they share a commitment to a comparative and evolutionary genomic approach to the study of living systems.
3CPG serves as a key source of communication and collaboration to faculty, staff, students and postdocs across campus, and also hosts an outstanding 3CPG Seminar Series each year. To receive emails regarding seminars, workshops, resources, and news relevant to comparative and population genomics at Cornell (including those in other seminar series on campus), email Evolgen_Seminars-L-request@cornell.edu with a blank subject line and the single word “join” in the body of the message.
3CPG helps coordinate and communicate information about undergraduate and graduate courses across campus relevant to those interested in comparative, population and evolutionary genomics. An updated list of courses is available here as a PDF. 3CPG_CourseList_8-23-2024
Administration: Director: Charles “Chip” Aquadro; Associate Director: Andrew G Clark; Executive Committee: Charles Danko, Philipp Messer, and Nina Therkildsen.