Mini-Symposium on Genome Editing incl. Feng Zhang (MIT)

Mini-Symposium on Genome Editing Nov 17 1:30-5pm, College Vet Med, LH1
John Schimenti, Professor, MBG. — In vivo versus in silico assessment of human Variants of Unknown Significance (VUS) using gene-edited mouse models.
Chun Han, Associate Professor, MBG. — New CRISPR tools in Drosophila for gene manipulation.
Philipp Messer, Associate Professor, Computational Biology. — Genetic manipulation of entire populations with CRISPR gene drives.
Joseph Peters, Professor, Microbiology. — Discovery and characterization of CRISPR-guided transposons identified among diverse Tn7-like elements in cyanobacteria
Liz Kellogg, Assistant Professor, MBG. — Structure of the holo CRISPR RNA-guided transposon integration complex.
Ailong Ke, Professor, MBG. — Craspase is an RNA-guided, RNA-regulated protease.
Feng Zhang, Professor and HHMI, MIT. CRISPR systems: exploration of biological diversity to discover novel molecular technologies (Barbara McClintock Lecture)Time: 4-5 PM. College of Vet Med LH4/5 for Zheng lecture